Maybe You’re Doing It Wrong

Do you know when you start cooking with a guy for the first time, say you’re making rice. He puts his rice in the cold water then he brings it to a boil. You boil the water first then add the rice. You judge him (and his mom who taught him) for not doing it correctly.

Ultimately, the rice and it’s unconventional (to you) methods come out perfectly. You’re surprised, because you would never have done it quite that way. That’s the same as raising a child with another human.

Their methods may not be your methods, but as long as the outcome is pretty much the same, or the goals are in alignment, sometimes you have to sit back and accept your partner’s brand of parenting. Barring abuse of any kind of course.

One of the hardest things for me is keeping my mouth shut. And I do it, most times, because I know my lover is great at taking care of our daughter. I do trust him to make sound decisions on her behalf. It is hard to step back sometimes and really let him take the lead, but it’s also very reassuring to know that I can.

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Trying to make sense of this thing called life...

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