
So here I am editing some photos that I am took for my moms and my aunts for their birthdays. My moms asked me to add a quote about sisters to one of the photos. And I came across a few very good ones…

If you don’t understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.  ~Linda Sunshine

Sisters never quite forgive each other for what happened when they were five.  ~Pam Brown

A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories – for she knows where the decoration has been added.  ~Chris Montaigne

If sisters were free to express how they really feel, parents would hear this:  “Give me all the attention and all the toys and send Rebecca to live with Grandma.”  ~Linda Sunshine

An older sister helps one remain half child, half woman.  ~Author Unknown

Sisters don’t need words.  They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks – expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief.  Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs – that can undermine any tale you’re telling.  ~Pam Brown

My Tribute to my Bigger Bro: Almando F. A. Rigby

So one night just as I was drifting off to sleep, I started thinking about my bigger bro outta the blue. 🙂 And I couldn’t help but to think how just AWESOME he is. I never thought of it in detail before, but honestly, he has shaped many of my tastes, my beliefs, my behaviours. He was honestly like another father to me.

When I was growing up, we were too far apart in age to be “friends” but I always looked up to him. I became a fan of the L.A. Lakers from very young because that was his team, I liked the Denver Broncos (even though I didn’t really get football) because he was a fan. I fell in love with R&B in particular Boyz 2 Men, Jodeci and K-Ci and Jojo cause that is all they (him and Lindy) listened to.

I am always so super proud when other people got to hear him sing… He always used to be singing around the house, but if someone came over, or when he finally started singing in church, my heart would swell with pride to know that other people got to enjoy the beautiful tone of his voice. I always made sure scan the congregation to make sure everyone was clapping, and believe me, they would get mean mugged if they weren’t just loving it as much as I was!

When he started being in plays with the Grand Bahama Players, I went to just about all of them. I think I missed only one (Johnny Rasta) and even though I missed it I still know that one line about Jah Tree :-)… I always got super excited being in the audience and seeing them react to his comedic stylings -that dude is funny as hell in case u didn’t know. Sometimes I get so proud its almost as if I am more like the parent. I never missed an opportunity to let my friends, and sometimes even random people in the world, know that my bigger brother was a superstar. He was in plays. And he was pretty damn good at it.

Even when he started preaching in church, it was at that point when I was on the fence about religion. I would still go to hear him speak. My big bro has super talent. He is TOTALLY great at that too. I would always get a kick outta seeing my pops perk up when he was preaching. If there is anything to be said about my pops, he ISN’T easily impressed. So when he said “He was pretty good” after the sermon was done, I knew that he was definitely just as great as I thought he was.

It was only in the last few years, I guess when Domi and Lindy first moved to T.I. and left us there where we first forged a friendship and not just the relationship that brothers and sisters are obligated to have. I totally love it. I can now call my big brother my friend and he has proved himself to be a friend. Patiently answering all the questions about God that I have without judging me- well at least not to my face.

I remember one particular turning point in our relationship, at least for me… I sent him my measurements for my dress for his wedding and he replied to that message. It said “i love you ya know bui!!!!!” <— I just copied and pasted that from the email. I kept that all these years, since 2005. And I remember I was at work and I had to go into the bathroom because I started bawling like a baby. That was one of the first times that I could remember him telling me that he loved me. And the fact that it was unsolicited made it all the more special. Ok I am thinking I am running on too long.

The point is, I LOVE my bigger brother. He gave me his blessings when I was getting married even though he couldn’t be there (I saved those text messages too, LOL) and even in this recent turmoil he showed me that he has my back and he loaned me his support. I will ever love my bigger brother. No matter what life throws our way, he holds a super special place in my heart…


Mando, I love u bui! Hugs and Kisses!