School Break Already??

I am back in Freeport!! Wait, wait, before you start judging and wondering how come I didn’t stick it out and call me all kinda bad names (BLEE I see u) let me explain.

There is a hurricane coming.


I lived through the horrors of Hurricane Frances in 2004 and through Ike and Hanna in 2008 (or was it 2009, hmmm) and I have NO plans on braving hurricane force winds and long power outages and water interruptions alone and without the comfort of my family and my Pretty Boy.

If I must suffer, I want to suffer with those that love me most. So here I am. Back home, a mere *counts fingers* 2 3/4 days after I left, right back where I started. Sigh. Who knew this evil Irene character would send me packing so quickly?

But I should be back in the bullet/dengue capital by Sunday, all bright eyed, bushy tailed for Monday.